The Jadan Ashram has a long term project of reforestation. To date approximately 200,000 trees have been planted in a bid to 'turn the desert green'.
Following Vishwaguruji's call to all Yoga in Daily Life groups to contribute by planting trees for the conservation and enhancement of natural habitats, his disciples are participating in reforestation actions in many countries around the world. Thousands of trees have been planted in the past decades, and every month new reports about reforestation are coming.

... and Organic Garden
The Ashram's organic farm aims to be a model for the local area, as local farmers tend to use pesticides heavily. Research is ongoing for the production of natural pesticides from the local Neem tree. The Ashram produces organic vegetables, wheat, corn, barley, and various seeds & spices. This can be difficult land to cultivate especially when the monsoon fails year after year.
You can follow the Organic Garden blog to learn more about the current state of the project.